(NBC News) — Donald Trump reached out to the African American community Wednesday, holding a campaign event in a Cleveland church. Trump reacted to both police shootings that made headlines over the past 48 hours, first the shooting and killing ...

(NBC News) — Hillary Clinton is scheduled to attend a campaign event in North Carolina Thursday, her first event after nearly collapsing Sunday. In a detailed letter noting her low cholesterol and medication for blood clots, Clinton’s doctor adds that ...

(NBC News) — Hillary Clinton released more medical records, including details on her ongoing bout of pneumonia. Her campaign released the medical details as Clinton recovered from pneumonia at home, off the campaign trail until Thursday. She’s said to be ...

Sutherlin, Ore. (KVAL) — It’s a rubber wet-suit in women’s clothing and a blond wig, hanging from a noose fixed to a crane in Sutherlin, Oregon. The figure, presumably a Hillary Clinton effigy, is accompanied by a “vote Trump” sign ...

(NBC News) — Hillary Clinton will not attend two California fundraisers after she became overheated at the 9/11 memorial in New York Sunday. Clinton’s campaign later confirmed she’s battling pneumonia, and was diagnosed two days earlier. The Democratic presidential nominee ...

(NBC News) — Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump take part in a first of its kind “Commander In Chief” forum Wednesday night on NBC, where they’ll answer questions about national security, the military and veterans. The presidential candidates won’t debate, ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump is getting his first security briefing Wednesday and he’s bringing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his foreign-policy adviser, retired Lieutenant General Mike Flynn with him. The briefing is considered “big picture,” with nothing on ...

Scranton, Penn. (NBC News) — After rallying with Joe Biden in Scranton yesterday, Hillary Clinton is back in battleground Pennsylvania Tuesday to sign up new voters. She has an 11 point lead there, but Donald Trump is gaining among white, ...

(NBC News) — Both presidential candidates are being questioned on their truthfulness Friday as Hillary Clinton faced reporters and Donald Trump did an about-face on Twitter. Clinton’s lead in the polls has expanded in the past few days, but in ...

(NBC News) Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination Thursday night, wrapping up two weeks of high-stakes politics full of controversy on both sides. She was “feeling the bern,” promising a progressive agenda, a jobs bill in the first 100 days, ...

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