ASHLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is making plans in the event smoke causes issues once again. Since the smoky summers started, OSF had to decide between cancelling a show and sticking it out. But this year, they say ...

MEDFORD, Ore.— The 2018 wildfire season was one of the worst Southern Oregonians have ever seen. Smoke was choking the air for months, people had to wear N-95 masks and tourism among other businesses were seriously affected. On Tuesday night, ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Jackson County is giving citizens the opportunity for their voices to be heard on the topic of wildfires and smoke. They’ll be holding a public forum from 5 to 9 pm at North Medford High School on ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – A series of controlled burns are being conducted in the hills above Ashland. The Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship Project said three fuel-reduction burns were scheduled to take place on Friday at the same locations where Thursday burns ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Due to diminishing air quality, Jackson County Air Quality officials declared a “Red Day” for wood stove burning. According to the National Weather Service, air quality monitors in Medford show airborne particulates are reaching unhealthy levels. ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Fire season is starting to wind down but that doesn’t mean we won’t see more smoke in some areas. As we transition into fall with cooler temperatures and high humidity levels, officials say it’s the time to ...

Grants Pass, Ore. – Southern Oregon is breathing a little easier these days, but some businesses around the region are now looking at their bottom lines to see the impact from fire season. Some say the smoke in the valley ...

JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Ore. – The Klondike Fire burning about nine miles away from Grants Pass is expected to exhibit increased fire behavior Monday. The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning for the area due to strong wind and ...

Medford, Ore. – Smoke in the region seemed to be clearing up, but now the concern is that the smoke will once again flood the valley. The National Weather Service said that despite the new Delta Fire in Northern California, ...

GRANTS PASS, Ore. — Employees at Raptor Creek Farm pick nearly 500 pounds of tomatoes a week and that’s not all they have to do. Poor air quality has made it so they only have two employees to take care ...

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