SALEM, Ore. —Tonight, (February 15) the Oregon House Special Committee on wildfire recovery will hold a remote/virtual public hearing. The meeting’s purpose is to hear out Oregonians who are survivors of 2020’s devastating wildfire season, including the Almeda and South ...
SALEM, Ore. – The federal eviction moratorium ended this past weekend. If you or someone you know is still struggling with meeting past and current payments on rent or utilities the State of Oregon can help. The Oregon Emergency Rental ...
Applications are now open for the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Some Oregonians could be eligible for rental or utility forgiveness. The state is giving out $204 million dollars to qualified renters who’ve had financial issues due to COVID-19. In order ...
MEDFORD, Ore. — You have the chance to make your voice heard during a once-a-decade process. Oregon re-draws legislative district lines based on population updates once the census is completed. That time is now and virtual town halls will allow people ...
MEDFORD, Ore. — Jackson County Public Health announced this afternoon there are no new coronavirus cases in the county today. Currently, the total amount of cases in the county has reached 49. Oregon Healthy Authority reports there are 58 new ...
SALEM, Ore. – Meanwhile, Governor Kate Brown will soon have to appoint Secretary Dennis Richardson’s successor, and tonight – the Oregon Republican Party is strongly urging the governor to use a committee of Republicans to make her selection Governor Brown ...
MEDFORD, Ore.– Several Republican candidates for governor are in the Rogue Valley tonight to discuss issues facing the state and answering questions from the public. Hosted by the Jackson County Republican Party, five of the 10 Republican candidates for governor ...
Medford, Ore. — Increasing the age to buy guns and tightening restrictions on sales, safety, and ammunition – all suggestions one state leader is asking the legislature to consider. The head of the Bureau of Labor and Industries sent a ...
Medford, Ore. — It’s been a big day for Oregon as Governor Kate Brown signed two bills involving kids in the foster system. House Bill 2216 requires the Department of Human Services to create a Foster Children’s Siblings Bill of Rights. ...
Jackson County, Ore. — A proposed bill in the Oregon legislature would make it legal for the homeless to sleep on public property. The bill is currently in committee. If passed, it would impact places such as Alba Park, the ...