Colin Duffy – Credit: Michael Reaves/Getty Images After making its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games three years ago, sport climbing returned to Paris with a new two-event format. The sport was divided into a bouldering/lead combined event and a ...

Toby Roberts climbs – Credit: Michael Reaves-Getty Images In a surprising upset, Great Britain’s Toby Roberts became the first sport climber to claim the Olympic gold medal in the new format of the men’s bouldering/lead combined final. His phenomenal lead ...

Sorato Anraku climbs – Credit: Jonathan Nackstrand-AFP via Getty Images Sorato Anraku‘s supremacy in bouldering and lead is clear. The Japanese climber didn’t even need to participate in the men’s lead semifinal to qualify as one of the top eight ...

Sorato Anraku tops boulder – Credit: Jonathan Nackstrand-AFP via Getty Images The hot sun beat down on the hat-wearing packed crowd at the Le Bourget Sport Climbing Venue north of Paris as the Olympic sport climbing events opened with its ...

Brooke Raboutou climbs – Credit: Zhe Ji-Getty Images When sport climbing made its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games three years ago, the sports’ three disciplines — speed, bouldering, and lead — were combined into one event. As a result, ...

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