MEDFORD, Ore. — A new study being conducted by Dr. David James at Washington State University is monitoring Monarch butterflies and a Medford woman is helping. Monarch butterflies are close to being on the endangered species list and this study ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– Police across Oregon and northern California are attempting to crack down on distracted driving. According to a Southern Oregon University study, the problem is an epidemic. April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and it’s a meant to ...

Davis, Calif. (KOVR) — Lucy was diagnosed with autism at just 18 months. Lucy’s mother, Caroline said the last four years have been tough, but rewarding, “She’s worked really hard, and people would come to our house for hours.” And ...

Washington, D.C. (NBC News) — The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has decided not to loosen restrictions on marijuana– a position that remains at odds with the majority of states. Marijuana will remain in the most restrictive federal category for controlled ...

Medford, Ore. — Oregon US Senator Ron Wyden met with doctors, district attorneys and non-profit directors Tuesday to get their input on gun violence in Southern Oregon. It’s a small piece of a much larger puzzle that the senator hopes to ...

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