KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – 3 students from Klamath Community College earned some big scholarships recently. These scholarships come from National Higher School Equivalence College Assistance Migrant Program Association. They are awarded to students who earned their high school equivalency within ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Jackson Care Connect is working to better support mental health in local youth. They want young people ages 12 to 18 to participate in the confidential easy to take survey. It said it will give providers ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– Earlier this week, a Medford kindergartener was dropped off at the wrong bus stop. Now, we’re learning what the Medford School District is doing to fix the issue. The district said its implemented a new badging system over ...

TOUVELLE PARK, Ore. – A group of local students learned about salmon in the Rogue River Basin. Oregon Fish Eggs To Fry is a statewide program giving students the opportunity to monitor the life stages of salmon. These students witnessed ...

KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. —High school students in Klamath County are getting hands-on experience in construction while giving back to the community. Several contractors teamed up with students, to build a tiny house in 24 hours at the fairgrounds. The  Build ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – A brand new café and hang-out spot is opening in Ashland. Study Hall is the newest café that provides students a space to spend time with friends, study, and build their own grilled cheese. They say the ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — Ashland High School is welcoming students back to campus for in-person learning after temporarily closing for 2 weeks. The Ashland School District says it closed the school campus due to severe staffing shortages, adding that across the ...

SOUTHERN OREGON — The Three Rivers School District is launching ‘FirstView’, a bus tracking and parent communications app for smartphones or desktop. The map screen shows parents the location and direction of the school bus. It also shows the student’s ...

SOUTHERN OREGON, Ore. —The Oregon Department of Education is making the process of returning to school, easier for students and staff, who have been out of the classroom for a while. It launched a program called, Care and Connection. Its goal ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Kids Unlimited Academy in Medford has already been in school for the last 2 weeks. Unlike the start of school last year, students are back on campus full-time. The academy’s Academic Director, Sunshine Price, says a lot ...

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