MEDFORD, Ore.- The Oregon Health Authority announces mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus have been identified in Oregon for this first time this year. OHA says three mosquito pools have tested positive for the virus in Malheur County. The virus is ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – West Nile Virus has been discovered for the first time this year in Jackson County, this week. Jackson County Vector Control District said the infected mosquito was found in East Medford. We asked Vector Control if it ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Jackson County Vector Control says West Nile Virus has been spotted in mosquitoes in east Medford Tuesday. This is the first detection in Jackson County this year. Officials say last year, West Nile Virus was found in ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. —West Nile virus was detected in Jackson County for the first time this year. Jackson County Vector Control says the mosquitoes were found in areas around Central Point and White City. West Nile can spread to humans through ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – West Nile virus was detected once again in Jackson County. The first mosquitos that tested positive for the virus were found west of White City on August 4. The virus was found again in mosquitos collected on ...

KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. —West Nile Virus is in Klamath County.  Klamath County Public Health says the first case of this year was found in a horse, in Klamath Falls. The virus can cause weakness or paralysis in horses, as well ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – After detecting West Nile virus earlier this month, another detection was made in Jackson County. The first mosquitos that tested positive for the virus were found west of White City on August 4. Now, the virus has ...

WHITE CITY, Ore. – West Nile virus has been found in mosquitos in Jackson County. Jackson County Vector Control said the virus was detected from samples taken near White City on August 4. West Nile virus has been detected for ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Have old, unused tires you don’t know how to get rid of? If you live in Jackson county, the vector control district wants to take them off your hands. Tires can fill with water which can ...

Jackson County, Ore. — It’s that time of year again when mosquitoes are growing in numbers. West Nile Virus has not hit Southern Oregon yet, but there have been reports of the virus in the Sacramento area of northern California. ...

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