Studded Tire Season Begins

Today marks the start of studded tire season in Oregon.

Klamath Falls has already had a taste of snow this year, and drivers are well aware that roads will soon be getting slick and icy.

Tire stores on the east side of the Cascades were busy today putting on studded tires.

Mike Paxton of Turn Thom Tire Factory in Klamath Falls says plenty of customers are sticking with studs…

“I believe 65, 70 percent of our customers still use studs.”

Many others are now using studless traction tires, like Hokain Hokkapeliittas…

“it’s a little harder of a rubber compound that most studless tires, so it lasts longer.” Explains Paxton. “Although it is built to where it gets phenomenal traction.”

There are also temporary options, like chains. Paxton notes that chain technology has improved over the years…

“This is the Auto Track ‘Quick Fit’ chain. A 10-year old boy can put them on. They’re color-coded now, you do not have to drive over them as opposed to the years in the past.”

Another temporary option is the ‘tire sock’, which uses a heavy-duty fabric to grip the road. They sell for around 150 dollars each, and they’re even washable.

Another option is the ‘Spikes Spider’, which bolts onto the hub of the wheel. Paxton notes that they’re designed for cars with limited wheel clearance, where chains won’t fit…

“They’re made of a hard plastic – although they have been brittle in the past, and break. And they are rather expensive.”

While many drivers are sticking to studs, the studless concept is gaining traction.

“A couple years ago, I bought some of the state-approved all-weather tires.” Explains customer Craig Rovzar. “And they were great. So I’m going that way again.”

If you do choose the studded tire option, you can only have those tires on your car through April 1st.

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