Banking on Snow

Heavy snows this winter could provide a big boost to the Klamath Basin’s economy…for both work, and play.

Zack Church of Klamath Board Sports says the early snowfall has been good for business…

“Our sales were definitely up yesterday – it made a difference. We saw a noticeable difference.”

Store manager Andy Bailey is optimistic the snow will continue…

“Our favorite motto is ‘pray for snow’ – and as soon as it comes, man, hopefully it comes in bunches so we can get out there and play around in it.”

Snow is also needed to boost levels on Upper Klamath Lake, which is more than a foot and a half below average.

“Right now, the lake is at an 18 year low.” Notes Kevin Moore of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. “We haven’t seen it that way for quite some time.”

Moore adds that a wet winter will benefit both fish, and farmers…

“We’re concerned about this upcoming winter. We would hope for a very good snow pack.”

Those hopes are echoed by snowboarders, and Andy Bailey of Klamath Board Sports…

“The earlier the better for us. Anything to get a little pack going in the hills is the best thing for us.”

Zack Church is keeping his thoughts positive…

“The snow is going to be here longer, and it’s going to be better.”

Upper Klamath Lake supplies water to Klamath Project farmers through the headgates to the ‘A’ canal. Those headgates were closed on Friday of last week, marking the end of irrigation season.

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