JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – The Jackson County Animal Shelter is being cited by OSHA for workplace safety violations. The agency confirmed the shelter was inspected in June resulting in multiple citations including improper use of personal protective equipment. OSHA says ...

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Oregon Humane Society’s president and CEO has a new dog, who traveled all the way from Josephine county. Last month, NBC5 News reported the Oregon Humane Society successfully transferred 60 dogs up to Portland from the Jackson ...

MEDFORD, Ore.- Community members and shelter volunteers held a forum discussing the future of the Jackson County Animal Shelter on Monday. The public forum was organized by private citizens to discuss the current conditions of the Jackson County Animal Shelter, ...

TALENT, Ore. — The Jackson County Animal Shelter is thanking the community Monday for its assistance in adopting out a large number of dogs. This comes just five days after the shelter asked the community for help, reporting more than ...

JACKSONVILLE, Ore. — Sanctuary One has been recognized by the Jackson County Animal Shelter as their largest area rescue partner and the second largest area rescue partner in all of Oregon. According to Sanctuary One, the nomination for the award ...

PHOENIX, Ore.- FOTAs has dropped the capital ‘S’ in its name to become Friends of the Animals. Formerly known as Friends of the Animal Shelter, FOTAs, now with a lowercase ‘s’, is branching away from their work with the Jackson ...

Dec. 4 Update: Dog adoptions are scheduled to reopen December 5th. Stacy Brubaker of Jackson County Health & Human Services says the treatment the dogs have been receiving has been making an impact. MEDFORD, Ore. – The Jackson County Animal ...

PHOENIX, Ore.- The Jackson County Animal Shelter is closed to the public due to a Respiratory illness. Jackson County Health & Human Services say the illness they’re seeing mimics “Kennel Cough”. They say that the illness is spreading quickly and ...

Read part 1 of this 2 part story here. JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – The Jackson County Animal Shelter is not only home to animal control services for the county but also a home for many dogs and cats waiting for ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – The Jackson County Animal Shelter is home to adoption and animal control services for the entire county. It sees thousands of animals through its doors on an annual basis. This year however, its relationship with the ...

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