MEDFORD, Ore.- The Oregon Health Authority reporting over 14% of Covid-19 tests are coming back positive. This is a significant leap since spring, seeing as OHA reports Covid-19 test positivity rates were as low as 3.1% in April. The CDC ...
MEDFORD, Ore. – The CDC announcing a major change for schools, but it remains to be seen how soon they could be implemented locally. The CDC releasing new guidelines for spacing within classrooms nationwide Friday. Rather than students spaced 6-feet ...
MEDFORD, Ore.– The Oregon National Guard 1-186th Infantry Battalion will be holding a drive-through job search this weekend. In a first of it’s kind, anyone interested in learning about what the National Guard does will be able to experience the ...
MEDFORD, Ore. — The Craterian Theater said it’s anticipating losing over 40 event nights due to Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s most recent public gathering ban. The Craterian said it plans to continue producing its Teen Musical Theatre of Oregon shows. ...
ASHLAND, Ore. – The Rogue Valley Growers Market reopened Tuesday. Two weeks ago the market announced it would be temporarily closing because of coronavirus concerns. The market took that time to hire a social distancing officer and has implemented new ...
MEDFORD, Ore.– Sunny weather this weekend would usually be an invitation to go out with your friends. However, police want to remind everyone they will be enforcing physical distancing. Both Medford Police and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office say they’re ...
MEDFORD, Ore. — Medford Parks and Recreation wants to remind you to keep social distancing, even when outside. On Monday, Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) closed playgrounds and sport courts as part of the ‘stay at home’ order. Since then, ...
JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Jackson County began delivering a daily meal to residents on the Bear Creek Greenway Friday. Starting at 11 a.m., staff and volunteers began walking the paved trail in Central Point all the way to Ashland. Jackson ...
SALEM, Ore. – Oregon Governor Kate Brown is encouraging workers to report employers who aren’t enforcing six feet of social distancing in the workplace. On March 23, Gov. Brown issued Executive Order 20-12. The stay at home order forbids nonessential ...
Klamath Falls, Ore. – Inmate numbers at the Klamath County Jail are being reduced to help prevent spread of viruses to inmates, and jail staff. The Klamath County Jail is designed to hold a total of 144 inmates, but close ...