Marches, Rallies Follow Zimmerman Acquittal

(CNN) From Florida to California demonstrators nationwide rallied.

Many carried signs reading “we are all Trayvon Martin.” Many wore hoodies reminiscent of the one martin wore the night he was shot and killed.

At a protest in New York, Marcy Gordon echoed the opinion of many, that the justice system failed. “Zimmerman started the fight. He bares culpability, and he had no right to pull out a gun and shoot the kid to death” said Gordon.

President Obama offered a statement, calling the death a tragedy but asking the country to respect Martin’s parents’ call for calm reflection.

Martin’s family asked for prayers. “We’re very concerned very hurt and very disappointed at this point but we know in the end god will prevail and justice will be served” said Roberta Felton, Trayvon Martin’s cousin.

NAACP leaders are pushing the justice department to continue investigating the killing as a possible hate crime. “There is reason to be concerned that race was a factor in why he targeted young Trayvon” said Ben Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP.

Zimmerman’s brother says FBI investigations have not found an “inkling” of racism. “I would encourage them to cool their jets, give everyone some time to kind of process what’s going on” said Robert Zimmerman, Jr.

He says Zimmerman now needs to heal and re-center himself, even as he continues to fear for his life. “I can’t foresee any plans or any meaningful engagement that he’d have with society for a while because of the threats that are still going around and continue to.”

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