South Korean Priest Reacts to North Korea’s Threats

A South Korean native, now Medford resident says it’s no surprise North Korea is breathing threats again… he only wishes they would stop.

“Every day I pray please God no war, but unite Korea,” says

Abraham Lee who grew up in South Korea. Now he is the priest of the Medford Korean Church.

“I was born in Korea, almost 45 years ago. At the time, we protect North Korea attacks. But still coming the same,” comments Lee.

Today, tension is increasing as a medium range missile is traveling east in North Korea. The country claims it’s authorized to attack the U.S. using “smaller, lighter and diversified” nuclear weapons.

“I think North Korea is ugly communist, bad communist. Like a gangster.”

Threats the White House

is taking seriously….and so is Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley….

“They have chosen to be isolated. They’ve retained a huge emphasis on military development and their economic development has languished. The result is millions of people have starved to death in the country of North Korea.”

Languishing, the country’s gross domestic product per capita averages only $1,800 dollars. The United States nearly 50 thousand.

“What has changed recently is China, which has previously been a defender, has expressed concerns about the route they’re taking,” continues Merkley, “It’s like there’s a peep hole and we’re trying to peer through the peep hole to get a small sliver of what the real situation is going on here.”

Abraham is at least able to give us his perspective through that proverbial peep hole …a neighbor who lived at North Korea’s front door……with family in Seoul, South Korea these threats are intensely personal…threats leveled against his former home…

“I think if North Korea attacks South Korea or the U.S.A. I believe North Korea destroyed,” says Lee.

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