36 Animals Seized in Klamath County

Three dozen animals were seized from a farm in Klamath County this morning following complaints of neglect…and animals shelter volunteers are now doing what they can to save those animals.

Nadine Hoy of ‘Project Spirit’ says the animals are in some of the worst condition she’s ever seen…

“Appalling condition. The baby goats are all humped up, they’re lice infested – the horses are very, very, very thin. There’s two stallions in there that are just bones.”

“Underweight, hooves too long, such a variety of infractions.” Adds Klamath Large Animal Shelter Investigator Debby Fowler. “These animals were not in good shape.”

Four horses, twelve dogs, thirteen goats, two miniature donkeys, three llamas, one cat, and a rat were brought in this morning from Sprague River.

Debby Fowler says she’s been working with the owners since 2005…

“We’ve done everything we can over the last 8 years to get them in compliance, and taking care of their animals properly – and they’ve declined to do that.”

“So, the police decided it was time to move them out.” Notes Nadine Hoy. “They were in big trouble. Everything here is starving. Just terribly starving, and desperately in need of help.”

Hoy says the animals are now getting the care that they need…

“We will get the vet out, we will get them all physically checked, bring them back to health, get them fed. And then, they will be adopted on.”

You can go to:www.klamathlargeanimals.orgto find out more about how you can help.

Klamath County Sheriff’s Deputies issued a citation for animal neglect to the person caring for those animals this morning.

The name of that person has not been released at this time.

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