Four Oregon Gun Restriction Bills Head To Public Senate Hearing

The topic of gun control will take center stage at a state senate hearing next week in Salem.

Four bills aimed at tightening Oregon’s gun laws are being proposed by State Senator Floyd Prozanski – a democrat from Eugene. They will go before a public hearing on April 5th.

One bill would expand background checks to include private gun sales and transfers. Currently Oregon requires background checks only on sales made by licensed gun dealers and those made at gun shows. However, the proposed legislation would still exempt background checks on gun transfers between certain extended family members.

Another bill proposes those getting a concealed weapons permit must first pass a shooting test on a firing range.

Two other bills also apply to concealed weapons permit holders. One would prohibit them from bringing weapons onto any K-12 schools, unless the school district allows by opting out of the law.

The other would prohibit concealed licensees from bringing weapons into the Capitol and other public buildings, unless they are completely concealed.

Next Friday’s public hearing will allow for more than three hours of public testimony. After any possible revisions, a committee could then vote on whether to send the bills to the full senate.

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