GP Daily Courier holds first Sheriff candidate forum

Grants Pass, Ore. — Three candidates for Josephine County Sheriff battled it out Wednesday night.

Grants Pass Police Officer Dave Daniel and Sheriff Deputy Ed Vincent are challenging incumbent Gil Gilbertson.

It was a packed house in Wednesday night’s first forum for the candidates.

We asked each of them their priority for the cash-strapped county if elected.

Gil Gilbertson said “My beleif is, if somebody calls for help, my number one priority is to go respond to that help. Whether we arrest somebody or not to me is secondary. Somebody needs to go when you call for help.”

Dave Daniel said “Really starting over. Build that sense of community, that sense of organization and clearing out some of the frustration and the worry and the fear that we have in Josephine County.”

Ed Vincent said “My main goal is to completely restructure the office to fit the financial budget that we’re under right now and be able to utilize that money to possibly put more patrols on the road.”

There are two more forums scheduled:

Sunday April 27th – North Valley High School from 6pm to 8pm.

Monday April 28th – Marie Hill Conference Center

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