Residents weigh in on Phoenix lion sanctuary

Phoenix, Ore.–If you’re walking down the 1900 block of Houston Road, you may hear something powerful. Lions roaring.

“It doesn’t bother me at all. We actually enjoy it. We like hearing them .”

“We’re not scared at all because we get to go over there any day we want and see them.”

Jeff Bohn and Melissa Tuttle live on Houston Road in Phoenix just steps away from Walking With Lions, a sanctuary for retired lions who were once in movies.

“It’s just a neat experience,” said Bohn.

Neighbors said they’ve known about the sanctuary for two and a half years , have gotten familiar with the owners and the seven lions. They’re shocked residents who support the sanctuary had to resort to a petition just to keep the sanctuary open.

According to the sanctuary’s attorney, Dan O’Connor, a neighbor near the property opposes the presence of lions. Still, the sanctuary’s owners are working to obtain a land use permit that would allow a bed and breakfast with the view of the lions and are going to get the appropriate land use permits.

“I think a lot of fear comes from not knowing,” said Bohn.

Neighbors also said they’re not concerned that part of Phoenix High School is so close to the property. Neighbors said the owners know what they’re doing and the lions won’t get out.

“They’ve been in the business long enough and this is just kind of respite area for them to retire and keep the lions safe,” said Tuttle.

The online petition on Change.Org was started by residents who support it. They’re very close to reaching the 1,500 signatures they need.

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