Rest Stop Graffiti Leads to 111 Misdemeanor Charges

One hundred and eleven misdemeanor charges…that’s what a Klamath Falls man faces for a lengthy history of advertising for sexual favors at the Midland Rest Area.

The Midland Rest Area south of Klamath Falls provides a good first impression to many visitors…and police say it has also provided a canvas for 39 year old Christopher Jon Kaeding to write obscene messages.

“The graffiti was actually personal, and pretty vulgar, and obscene.” Said Senior Trooper Ryan Niehus of the Oregon State Police. “It was actually difficult to have kids come in here.”

Trooper Niehus says Kaeding also left his mark in an outbuilding at the Miller Island Wildlife Area.

Niehus adds thattwo year long investigation ended Thursday morning with Kaeding’s arrest…

“Well, I actually used the number that he was utilizing and providing for people to call him, to get ahold of him, and have him come meet me – and was able to take him into custoday at that point.”

Kaeding’s multiple counts of criminal mischief, criminal trespass, and offensive littering filled over 8 pages of this morning’s jail log.

State Police hope that doing away with at least some of the graffiti will help to create a more favorable first impression for visitors.

Police say Kaeding was trespassed from the Midland Rest Area 7 years ago for similar offenses.

Kaeding’s bail has been set at just under 200 thousand dollars.

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