MEDFORD, Ore. — If you have an iPhone, you may have woken up to a notification about a new COVID-19 exposure app. The Oregon Health Authority said this was a mistake. It says the OR Exposure Notification Application… Or OR ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — 2020 has many business owners adapting to COVID restrictions and adjusting to a new way of doing things. Benjamin Wood owns Studio B, LLC and makes cups, mugs and dinnerware right in his own Medford backyard. He ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– Local health officials have said this thanksgiving must be different even if you test negative for coronavirus. Jackson County Health Officer Doctor Jim Shames says testing is not always perfectly accurate. He says the virus takes a while to ...

JACKSON CO., Ore.– “If you have a large thanksgiving, you could be looking forward to a small funeral,” said Dr. Jim Shames, Public Health Officer of Jackson County. He said the vulnerable in our community are currently at risk. “We’ve seen ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– OSHA released a 100 page document this month, detailing Covid-19 guidelines by industry. It says the additional guidelines, which take affect Monday, are part of an effort to curb the spread of the disease at the workplace. Aaron ...

SISKIYOU CO., Cal.– On the same day Siskiyou County Public Health announced it’s first covid-19 related death California governor Gavin Newsom moved the county to tier 3. That means more restrictions from restaurant and bars to movie theaters, gyms, even ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — On Saturday, Jackson County Public Health announced 78 new COVID-19 cases. This brings the total coronavirus cases in the county to 2,274. Jackson County Public Health said it removed a previously reported case, as it was identified ...

JACKSON CO., Ore. — With the growing number of COVID-19 cases statewide comes an increase of active cases in the workplace. According to the Oregon Health Authority, there are three workplace outbreaks with recent cases in Jackson County. Amy’s Kitchen ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development inc., or SOREDI, said its given nearly $1.5 million of grant money, so far. It said there is around $100,000 left. The executive director, Colleen Padilla, said they’re eager to give the money away, while ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– “We’ll hang out in small groups with each other,” said Kenadee Honaker, a senior basketball player at SOU. She continued, “I feel like a lot of students are missing out on the whole college experience.” Honaker’s final basketball ...

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