(NBC News) — Donald Trump is escalating his feud with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following her criticism of his bid for the presidency. Trump tweeted “Her mind is shot, resign.” Ginsburg called Trump a “faker” and said she ...

Washington, D.C. (NBC News) — Cheers erupted outside the US Supreme Court this Monday morning as a 5-3 majority struck down what may well have been the most restrictive abortion law in the nation. This morning’s decision is being called ...

Washington, D.C. (NYC Media) – Thursday’s decision on immigration is a big blow to the Obama Administration’s executive actions. In 2014, Obama announced that more than 4 million undocumented immigrants could now apply for temporary work permits — that would ...

Klamath Falls, Ore. – The Oregon Supreme Court has made a ruling regarding the state’s cap on tort claim limits. That decision will have a big impact on a 7-year-old Klamath Falls boy and his family. Tyson Horton was diagnosed ...

(NBC News) The U.S. Supreme Court has heard a challenge to President Obama’s executive orders on immigration. Texas and more than two dozen other states say the president overstepped his bounds by shielding four million undocumented immigrants from deportation. Critics ...

Washington, D.C. (NBC News) — The sixth anniversary of Obamacare was marked Wednesday by its fourth challenge at the U.S. Supreme court. The deep divisions of opinion on display outside were seemingly reflected by the justices inside in a showdown ...

Washington, D.C. (NBC News) — The war of words over Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s possible replacement continued Monday. He was a reliable conservative vote on a court that was delicately divided for years, and is in the middle of ...

Salem, Ore. — Portland NBC affiliate KGW reports the Oregon Court of Appeals declined to shorten the sentence for 33-year-old Kip Kinkel. In May of 1998, then 15-year-old Kipland Kinkel killed his parents. He then went to his high school, ...

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