Gay teen targeted

Clio, Mich. — (WEYI News) The parents of a 16-year old Clio, Michigan student say he’s become the target of bullying because he’s openly gay.

Now their home has also become a target.

“Over here you can see the red and black paint from the arrow,” says Melanie Peabody while pointing out the damage to her home.

She and her husband tried to wipe away the graffiti, but the traces are still there.

A homosexual slur was spray-painted on the home with an arrow pointing to her 16-year-old son’s bedroom.

“It does hurt,” says Levi Peabody. “As much as I don’t want to admit it, it does hurt that someone would dislike me that much to do something to my window.”

The Peabodys believe classmates of Levi are behind the act.

I want the kid that did this to get caught, says Levis mother.

The Peabodys have even installed a security camera in their bedrooms to try and catch the culprits but more importantly to let people know, they will not stand for this.

I mean it’s disgusting, adds Melanie Peabody.

The Genesee County Sheriff’s department says they’re working with Clio school officials to identify potential suspects through hand writing samples.

I don’t think anybody deserves that type of vandalism, says neighbor Jolaina Walling.

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