State databases back online following cyberattack

Salem, Ore. — (OPB) Two heavily-trafficked online databases maintained by the Oregon’s Secretary of State’s office were brought back online over the weekend. That announcement comes nearly three weeks after administrators were forced to shut down the systems following a cyber attack. Spokesman Tony Green says in the weeks since the attack, computer experts have made a number security enhancements, both to Oregon’s central business registry and to ORESTAR, which is the state’s campaign finance reporting system. Green says it’s not clear what the hackers may have been after, but he says there’s no evidence that any personal financial information was compromised. “The one thing we have urged users of our system to do..we’re requiring them to reset their passwords. We’re also urging them if they use that same password in another account to change it there as well,” said Green. Green declined to say what’s known about those who carried out the attack, a question he said should be directed to the FBI. But on its website the agency says the attack appeared to be quote “an orchestrated intrusion from a foreign entity.”

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