Cave Junction Woman Questioning Justice System in Josephine County

It’s a night Cave Junction resident Nina Horsley will never forget.

“He snuck up on my property to do me harm while on was in my shop.”

She says the attacks and assaults started in 2003.

One night in 2008 she began to ask her neighbor Bill Ott questions.

“Why are you harassing me He jumps out from a tree and says, because I am a woman who owns a piece of property that I should’ve lost in my divorce and just rattled off some nonsense with a piece of rebarb in his hand threatening to kill me, my dogs, and burn everything on my property. I went in and called the police department to ask for help they said there was nothing they could do,” Horsley says.

He then came at her again.

Horsley says “he charged at me telling me he was going to kill me. I lift up my pistol aimed it at him and told him to stop. He stopped right there I started to walk away. I had realized I cocked the hammer back and when I realized I had done that I went to de-cock the gun and that’s when it discharged in the road.”

Horsley then found herself in handcuffs being taken to jail.

“How it is that this man in Kerby can literally just murder not one persons but two and not get arrested,” Horsley says.

Horsley was later charged with menacing and unlawful use of a firearm.

A felony that will stay on her record possibly forever.

She says she is confused by the system, and wants to know why it’s possible for someone to shoot and kill now two people, and be a free man.

The man who was released after he killed his neighbor and claimed self defense in 2009, now another neighbor is dead allegedly at the hands of the same man.

Horsley says “I had no rights whatsoever than to allow my next door neighbor to kill me and at that point he would have probably been able to get away with it based on what happened here in Kerby.

A system of justice leaving her cold and confused.

Horsley says she has filed for the Department of Justice to investigate her case.

She is also going to petition to have the felony removed from her record.

Which she can do 10 years from the date of conviction.

As for her former neighbor, he apparently died while on a trip at the Grand Canyon.

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