Recycling, Or Trash?

It’s a case of one person’s treasure being another person’s trash…

A Klamath Falls woman’s passion for recycling has gotten her in trouble with the city.

Frankie Vogt’s recycling piles have gotten smaller since we met her 6 months ago…

“I feel I’ve made quite a bit of progress.” States Vogt. “When you came today, you recognized that some of the piles were gone, and they have been recycled.”

But Klamath Falls Code Enforcement says Vogt hasn’t done enough.

“She has made some improvements.” Acknowledges Lieutenant Rob Dentinger of the Klamath Falls Police department. “But again, it’s still in violation of code – and it needs to be totally rectified.”

Vogt’s reaction: “They don’t like the progress that I’ve made. They had me really upset.”

Lt. Dentinger stressed that code enforcement is simply responding to complaints…

“Code enforcement is just complaint-driven. We don’t patrol, and look for violations.”

Vogt says things got out of hand when one of her helpers was injured in a car accident about a year ago…

“I did have a Christian organization come, it was several months ago. They helped me with the yard, they’re going to come back and they are going to help.”

Lt. Dentinger notes that the city has already given Vogt two extensions, and the last one expired in May…

“The game plan now is, we’re going to serve her a citation, and we’re going to let the judge determine what the outcome is going to be.”

If you can help Vogt, with the clean-up, she can be reached at:

[email protected]

Vogt and the city would be grateful.

The Klamath Falls Code Enforcement Division moved from their downtown office this summer.

They’ve been operating out of the Klamath Falls Police Station since July first.

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