Rogue River Man Arrested After Homemade Bomb Explodes

Police showed NBC 5 Newswhat wasleft of a propane bomb that exploded near Fourth and Berglund steets in Rogue River Monday night.

“It sounded like a sonic boom and it shook our whole house,” said witness Jennifer Jaynes.

The explosion was heard and felt up to a mile away.

Authorities believe, 30 year-old Michael Pankey was upset because his relationship with his girlfriend had recently ended, prompting him to throw a propane bomb out of his car near where she was staying.

Minutes after the explosion police pulled pankey over for speeding. They questioned him, asking if he knew anything about the explosion, he denied and he was let go.

However, police did impound his car for driving without insurance. It wasn’t until later that they connected him to the bombing.

After two days of searching, Pankey was located and arrested. Luckily no one was hurt and nothing damaged.

The timing of the bomb comes one week after the Boston attack, where a homemade bomb was also used.

But the Oregon State Police Explosives Unit says even with the help of the internet and technology, they haven’t seen any rise nor do they have a major concerns about homemade bombs.

“Most of our calls are people experimenting, they want to make a large noise and think it’s cool. We see very few used and made to go against other people,” said Det. Blaine Allen.

Jaynes says she’ll always have her guard up. And hopes people will realize personal issues could potentially hurt those not involved.

Pankey remains behind bars at the Jackson County Jail on more than a one million dollar bail.

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