Two Homes Destroyed by Fires

The investigation continues tonight into what caused a fire to consume a vacant home on the southwest side of town late Friday.

On Saturday, caution tape surrounded the property on the 19-hundred block of Columbus Avenue.

Crews responded to the blaze shortly before midnight and contained the fire within minutes.

Nearby residents who saw the fire say it was scary scene.

“We walked out our back porch and behind our pine tree it was all orange, huge flames. If the winds had kicked up and thrown sparks, all of our houses could have gone.”

Neighbors claim they’ve seen squatters in what they describe to be a foreclosed home.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Meantime, a fire in Grants Pass burned an R.V. and officials say it’s a complete loss.

It happened around one Saturday afternoon in the 16-thousand block of Highway 238.

Fire officials say when they arrived the R.V. was fully engulfed in flames. However, they were able to stop the fire from spreading to nearby cars and outhouses.

Officials are still investigating but believe the cause of the fire was a wood stove.

No one was home at the time and no one was injured.

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