Rescue In Need of Foster Homes For 30 Dogs

ACalifornia dog rescue evicted from their forty acre property needs your help.

Dexter’s Rescue Remedyhas set up temporary shelter in the valley, but tonight they’re coming up short to save their thirty dogs in need of shelter.

We first introduced you to Dexter’s Rescue Remedy last month.

The rescue has been in the process of moving but are currently without a place to call home.

And rescuers are desperately trying to put a roof over their dogs heads.

Charlot McClendon has been rescuing dogs for 9 years.

But after a dispute with her former landlord she was evicted for her property.

And that stress is now starting to wear on her dogs.

“They are extremely stressed out, some of the dogs won’t eat for a couple of days,” said McClendon.

The rescue had planned to move to a 40 acre property outside of Yreka but a steep and icy road made it impossible.

“If there was an emergency and a dog got hurt,I wouldn’t be able to get in and out. That scared the heck out of me,” McClendon explained.

After scrambling to find a another place to call home, the group was welcomed by R&R Pet Resort in Phoenix.

The resort says they just had to help.

“We try to help out with any situation we can and we’re just glad we could help out and the room for them to be here,” said Hayley Ross, employee at the resort.

While McClendon is appreciative of the help, there isn’t much room inside the resort for the 30 dogs still up for adoption.

“We are covering their crates with blankets, moving blankets, and tarps but there is snow & rain coming and we can’t have them out there,” McClendon said.

McClendon’s priority is to keep the dogs out of the elements until the rescue has a permanent place to call home.

If you are able to foster a dog or would like to learn more about the organization you can contact them at 530-643-3728 or visit them on Facebook.

The dogs will also be participating in an adoption event this Friday and Saturday at Petsmart in Medford.

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