Klamath Falls Parks Tobacco Ban Rekindles

A proposed ban on tobacco in all city parks is scheduled to go before the Klamath Falls city council Tuesday.

The tobacco ban is a revision of a proposed ordinance that went before the Klamath Falls city council last October.

Klamath Falls Community Development Director Sandra Fox explains…

“We are proposing to place signs within the developed playground and picnic areas, essentially thanking people for not using tobacco. And we’re hoping that a peer pressure take on it will do the majority of the work.”

However, Fox notes that repeat offenders could still face a substantial fine…

“The proposed fine is 250 dollars per incident.”

The ban was first proposed by the Klamath Falls Parks Department, and Klamath County Public Health.

Backers say a tobacco ban would reduce second-hand smoke and litter in the parks.

Opponents say the ban unfairly targets tobacco users, who are already paying more in taxes when they buy cigarettes or chew.

The Klamath Falls city council will have a first reading of the proposed ordinance Tuesday night.

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