Field Owners Sued By Insurance Companies Following Oak Knoll Fire

Reports of a new lawsuit have emerged after the Oak Knoll fire in Ashland destroyed homes back in August of 2010.

The fire started in a field behind the ARCO on Ashland street, crossing I-5 and setting homes on fire and damaging 2 others.

But reports have surfaced alleging the insurance companies that paid out to rebuild homes, are suing the owners of the field, accusing them of not following city codes requiring grass and shrubbery be cut if it poses a fire hazard.

But homeowners say they’ve moved on and they don’t blame the field owners.

“It’s just one of those things that happen, things in life happen like that, soI don’t put any blame on them,” says Lois Brewer. homeowner whose home burned in Oak Knoll Fire.

NBC 5 didreach out to attorney’s representing the insurance companies and the field owners. One did not call back, the other refused to comment.

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