Reactions to Cab Driver Murder

Alyssa Cochran and Louise Moreno were just heading out the door, but couldn’t pass down almond street because of crime scene tape.

“On my way here, we were going to walk this way, but we saw it blocked off so we don’t know what happened,” said Cochran.

They and others waited and watched, hoping for answers.

“Only two little things above it like a tarp.”

Slowly information became available. Parts of nearby Almond and 9th Street and the adjacent parking lot, blocked off, as police investigated a murder.

“We’ve taken this path thinking it was safe, safer than alternatives, and it’s like wow, crime is everywhere,” said Vira Hall.

Police say taxi driver, William Huson, drove to a person to Vilas Road last night around 1 am, was shot, and then the killer returned to this parking lot across from Hawthorne Park to abandon the cab.

“It’s always a surprise when things like this happen, you don’t like to think about it happening in Medford,” said Denny Lantz.

“We saw the tapes and we’re like what’s going on, ” Louise Moreno.

In Medford, Jennifer Elliott, NBC 5 News.

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