OSF Homecoming Extravaganza Gala celebrates 90 years in Ashland

ASHLAND, Ore –The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is celebrating its 90th year of existence. To mark the occasion, this year’s annual gala theme is a “Homecoming Extravaganza”. The event, to be held at the Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites on Monday, September 30, will feature many familiar faces. Many current and former OSF performers will be in attendance, along with longtime supporters and mainstays. Chief development officer Kamilah Long and veteran actor of stage and screen Anthony Heald joined Natalie Sirna on Sunrise this morning to talk about the upcoming event, and what makes OSF so special.

Long describes the event as their own version of the Met Gala. The aim is to raise $750,000 to support OSF’s endeavors, including educational programs. She also hopes everyone who attends has a good time, and makes genuine connections with fellow supporters. Long’s aim is to show people what impact their support throughout the years has on the 90-year-old repertory theatre.

Heald recalled one of his favorite OSF memories being the 2014 production of Into the Woods directed by Amanda Denhart. That production is remembered as one of OSF’s most successful. He played the role of Narrator/Mysterious Man in that production, and is excited to reprise that role when Denhart returns to direct a new production of the same show for the 2025 season. Heald serves as co-chair for the 2024 gala, and will be in attendance.

OSF’s 2024 Homecoming Extravaganza Gala begins at 5:30 p.m. on Monday September 30. A cocktail hour will be followed by performances, dinner, and the auction. There is also an option to attend the gala virtually, where viewers can still enjoy the entertainment and participate in the auction. For more information, to view the items available in the auction, and to purchase tickets, people who wish to support OSF can visit their website.

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