Where you can turn in your Jackson County Special Election Ballots

Medford, Ore. –If you haven’t turned in your March special election ballots you have until Tuesday to do so. But tonight the Jackson County Clerk’s office says it’s too late to mail them in.

The ballot is for Measure 15 -133 where voters will get a say on taxing recreational and medical marijuana.

County Clerk Chris Walker says Thursday was the last day to mail ballots in. And says there’s also one important thing many voters have been forgetting this year, when you send in those ballot envelopes make sure you sign your signature on it. It seems like this election we’ve just had a little overwhelming amount of people maybe I think because it is a one issue ballotthey get it done quick and they just send it in.

You can turn in ballots at these locations until Tuesday 8pm: The Jackson County Clerks Office, Ashland Library, Central Point Library, Eagle Point Library, and Rogue River Library.

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