$100 Bills Flying Off Store Shelves

Salem resident Ashley Beebehiser was shocked to find a $100 bill in a carton of eggs when she was grocery shopping at the South Salem Fred Meyer about three weeks ago.

When she first saw the bill, she mistook it for a dollar.

I picked it up and looked at it closer and said Oh my gosh! Beebehiser said.

Beebehiser spoke with a couple store employees, who told her she was not the first to report finding a $100 bill.

(She) said that six other people that day had found $100 bills, Beebehiser said.

Although her first reaction was shock, she decided to return the bill.

I was like what do I do Do I keep it Do I turn it in she said.

A manager at the South Salem Fred Meyer said that within the past few weeks, about seven customers have reported finding $100 bills in their groceries.

There were some in eggs, some over by the chocolates, over by the breads, some over the diapers in formula, store manager April Richards said.

Richards said there are some customers who chose to report their findings to the store. The returned bills are then held on reserve for 30 days to see whether someone claims them. After 30 days, the customer who found the bill is welcome to pick it up, Richards said.

Other reports suggested similar happenings at Walmart and Kmart in Salem. However, a manager at Kmart said she had not heard of it happening at the store; Walmart officials could not be reached for comment.

Richard Silva said his wife, Raisa, were shopping at the South Salem Walmart on Sunday when she found a $100 bill in a candle.

It was like a big pink candle and she opened it and there was a $100 bill in there, Silva said. Shes pretty excited.

Beebehiser said she hopes it is a result of someone wanting to do a good deed.

I would hate to think its some sort of malicious thing, she said. If I had millions of dollars, I would love to do that. I was excited about it at first.

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