20 Year Quake Anniversary Sparks Preparedness Planning

Friday will mark the 20th anniversary of when a 6.0 earthquake hit Klamath Falls on September 20th, 1993.

Edith Mattingly had just gotten home from a shift at the hospital when the quake hit…

“I was laying in bed, to go back to do some overtime, and got knocked out of bed – I was on a waterbed.”

The quake damaged the Klamath County Courthouse beyond repair, and caused major damage to several other buildings.

Sylvia Johnson was in a law library preparing for a murder case when the quake hit…

“I also got a call from the jail, and the inmates wanted to know if they were going to be taken out.”

While the inmates were frightened, Klamath County Commissioner Jim Bellet recalls not being so scared…

“No, no. Didn’t bother me. I thought it was kind of cool.” (laughs)

About 3 dozen people attended a ‘Quake Prep’ talk Tuesday night in Klamath Falls.

Althea Rizzo of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management says preparing for a quake is no different than getting ready for any other natural disaster…

“You make a plan, you talk with your family about what you’re going to do, where you’re going to meet, and how you’re going to communicate with each other afterwards, if you can’t get on your cell phone and call each other.”

The ’93 earthquake served as a reminder that earthquakes can hit most anytime, most anywhere…

And a little preparation now could save your life later on.

A ‘Quake Prep’ talk will be held in the City Council Chambers of the Medford City Hall this Friday afternoon at 3.

There will be another workshop in Grants Pass on the morning of Monday, the 23rd at 9:30 in the Anne Basker Auditorium.

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