Birth Control Rule Tweaked

Facing a firestorm of protest, President Obama backed down and modified his regulation on contraception coverage Friday.

Instead of religiously affiliated organizations having to provide free birth control to employees, their separate insurance companies will be required to.

“Religious organizations wont have to pay for these services, and no religious instiutution will have to privide these services directly,” Mr. Obama announced, “But women who work at these institutions will have access to free contraceptive service just like other women.”

Now their insurance companies must provide contraception and pay for it.

Catholic bishops called it a first step in the right direction and women’s groups are pleased.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference currently going on in Washington, GOP hopeful Rick Santorum said it’s not about contraception.

“It’s about freedom of religion. It’s about government control of your lives, and it’s got to stop,” he said.

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