Boulder Cleanup Questions

A Klamath County couple are still cleaning up tonight from a 3-ton boulder that crashed into their living room…and their home insurance might not cover the damage.

Jeanine and Corey Wells say total strangers have been offering their help…

“Well, we’ve got a crew coming in to help remove the rock.” Says Jeanine Wells. “People are calling in the Red Cross, people have offered us food, and help, carpentry.”

Tuesday afternoon, a boulder tumbled down a hillside and through the back wall of the Wells’ home, smashing a hole in their living room floor.

Corey Wells isn’t optimistic after talking with his insurance company…

“They’re leaning toward that this is ‘earth movement’, and my policy does not cover it.”

“I figured it was insurable.” Adds Jeanine Wells. “Since he took my money, and insured us.”

State Farm says they can’t discuss the specific claim due to privacy issues…though they add that no final decision has yet been made.

“The preliminary report hasn’t been turned into them from the engineer yet.” Noted Corey Wells. “So there is hope.”

Jeanine Wells’ phone has been ringing non-stop.

“Feels pretty darned good.” Stated Corey Wells. “That there’s people out there in this community, and friends that are willing to help.”

“It’s unreal.” Adds Jeanine Wells. “You find out who your friends really are.”

Corey and Jeanine Wells, and their adult son and his fiancee were all at home when the boulder hit…while all were within a few feet of the boulder’s path, no one was injured.

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