Cab Driver Murdered

Police are on the look out tonight for a suspect who killed 58 year old William Huson who was a taxi driver for Valley Cab. Police say they found his body off Vilas Road near the airport with a gunshot to the head. Investigators say it all started when Huson picked up a passenger around 10:40 Saturday night at Howiee’s on front street in downtown Medford.

“Normally when you get into a cab, the driver notifies the dispatcher of the cab company as to where they are going and that information was they were going out to Vilas Road,” said Tim George.

But that was the last time anyone heard from him. Police say they think after the suspect killed Huson and left his body in a field off Vilas, the suspect drove the cab to a parking lot near 9th and Almond streets in Medford and ran away. By one o’clock Sunday morning dispatchers became worried and contacted police. Hours later, police found Huson’s cab and shut down part of the Bear Creek Greenway as part of thier investigation.

“A closer examination of that vehicle reveled some type of assault and based on that our investigation cranked up even further.”

Police are now asking the community to step in and help catch a killer still on the loose.

” What’s important right now is we don’t have a suspect, and we need witness information. let us decide if it’s valid or not. There’s no such thing as bad information in a case like this.”

Right now authorities do not have any suspects in custody and have no persons of interest as they continue their investigation into who killed William Huson. In Medford, Kyle Aevermann, NBC 5 News.

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