Cards for Danny Nickerson

Mass. — A young boy from Massachusetts with an inoperable tumor is celebrating his sixth birthday tomorrow (Friday), for a gift, he asked for birthday cards and his request went viral.

The response was overwhelming, birthday cards! tons of them for soon to be six-year-old Danny Nickerson.

Cards, gifts, a mountain range of mail from around the world for Danny to frolic in.

Daniel Jamieson/ Danny’s dad says: “I wasn’t expecting it, I was just expecting birthday cards and others…not all this. This is just…it’s touching that there’s that many people out there i can say in the world that actually care about him.”

Danny was diagnosed last October with an inoperable brain tumor DIPG, there is no cure. The Facebook page for Danny has jumped from about 2,500 likes last week to more than 15,000 this week, all to wish Danny a happy birthday.

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