Chemult Body May Be Missing Bend Man

There are still more questions than answers following the discovery of a body near Chemult on Sunday…

Hunters found the body Sunday morning in a burned-out Toyota about 4 miles off of Highway 97 on Walker Mountain.

Klamath County District Attorney Rob Patridge isn’t releasing any details about what was found at the scene…

“We’re not releasing information related to the scene because we don’t know if this is a death, or a homicide investigation.”

Police believe the remains may be those of a missing Bend man.

“The vehicle that was found at the scene was disabled, and it was Jonathan Sullivan-Shipley’s registered vehicle.” Stated District Attorney Patridge. “We’ve confirmed that by the license plate that was on the vehicle.”

42 year old Jonathan Sullivan-Shipley was last seen in Bend on September 5th.

Patridge stressed that no positive identification has been made…

“We’re not sure, we’re looking at all the factors. The Bend P.D. provided us with a fairly lengthy report that we’re having to go through to double-check some things.”

The Klamath County Major Crime Team has been activated, and State Police have processed the area where the body was found.

“The Crime Lab has completed its initial gathering of evidence.” Adds D.A. Patridge. “And an autopsy is scheduled Tuesday – which should tell us a lot in terms of the direction we need to steer this investigation.”

The results of that autopsy are expected to be released late Tuesday, or early Wednesday.

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