Councilman Pleads ‘Guilty’ To Sex Charge

A former Klamath Falls city councilman has plead ‘guilty’ to misdemeanor charges of third-degree sex abuse.

61 year old Greg Taylor was accused of inappropriately touching a 5 year old male relative in Benton County in April of last year.

Associate attorney George McCoy notes Taylor plead guilty Monday to misdemeanor charges as part of a plea agreement, in which Taylor will serve no jail time…

“There will be a probation period of three years, and cumulative amount of fines and restitution in the range of six thousand dollars.”

Taylor was charged in May of 2012 with first-degree sex abuse…Measure 11 charges that could have put him behind bars for over six years.

Taylor resigned from the Klamath Falls City Council two months later.

Taylor’s plea came just four days before his trial was scheduled to begin in Benton County.

Taylor will be required to undergo sex offender evaluation and treatment, and register as a sex offender.

Prosecutors say they accepted the plea agreement because the victim’s parents wanted to spare their child from having to testify.

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