Disney Dumps Disabled Guest Policy

A program that has given disabled guests faster and more frequent access to Walt Disney World attractions will soon be replaced.

Disney executives are poised to crack down on people who abused the access given to disabled guests.

An NBC News hidden camera investigation exposed people touting themselves as tour guides, who advertise online, pose as someone with a disability and then charge a fee to escort visitors to the front of every line.

The so-called guides use a guest assistance card, which allows disabled visitors and everyone in their party to bypass long lines at popular rides.

“It looked like a lot of people who were using the wheel chairs and electric scooters didn’t really look like they needed them,” guest Avie Stone.

After the problem was exposed, Disney decided to make a change.

“We are changing our process to create a more consistent experience for all our guests while providing accommodations for guests with disabilities,” Kathleen Prihoda, of Walt Disney World, said in a statement.

Guests against the change are signing online petitions to get Disney to keep the program the way it currently works.

The change is set to take place Oct. 9.

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