Funding Offered For Klamath Basin Senior Meals Program

Three health care agencies in Klamath County have come forward to help fund a senior meals program in Klamath Falls…

Betty Bruner is one of about 150 senors in Klamath County that rely on the ‘Meals on Wheels’ program…

“Extremely important.” Notes Bruner. “Because I get to visit with somebody, and they know that I’m doing well, and sometimes I eat the meal as soon as they go.”

The meals program took a 30 thousand dollar hit recently, when the Klamath County Budget Committee voted to end all funding for the program.

But today, Sky Lakes Medical Center, ATRIO health plans, and Cascade Comprehensive Care announced they’re donating a total of 50 thousand dollars to fund meals on wheels for at least another year.

Sky Lakes Medical Center President Paul Stewart explains: “We saw it as our mission to step in and make sure that from the community health outreach standpoint, that we continue to work together to protect these people, and this valuable service.”

Senior Center Director Marc Kane says he’ll still ask for money from local government…

“We will continue to pursue out request from the county, because like I said, there will be a need for additional funds. We are preparing a proposal for the city as well.”

The 50 thousand dollar announcement got a standing ovation at the Senior Center…and also from Betty Bruner.

“I do thank them.” Stated Bruner. “It’s a wonderful program.”

Sky Lakes Medical Center and ATRIO Health Plans each contributed 20 thousand dollars, while Cascade Comprehensive Care added 10 thousand dollars.

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