Greensprings Interchange Plan Completed

A plan is now in place to help make a busy junction of three highways in Klamath Falls safer…that plan is now ready for formal adoption by the city, and county.

Highways 97, 140, and 66 all converge at the Greensprings Interchange.

Butch Hansen of the Oregon Department of Transportation notes that the plan outlines what the junction should look like in the future…

“It’s simply a 20 year vision, or long term plan for as growth and traffic demands increase, we have a plan now.”

Efforts to develop that plan began over two years ago with planning sessions, and a series of public meetings.

Hansen cautions that the work won’t be done all at once. “It’s phase-able. There’s four or five, six phase-able pieces of it starting with realignment of 140, up to moving access points along the 140 corridor.”

Having a plan in place could help clear the way for commercial development, now that access points are known.

The Greensprings plan carries a price tag of between 20 and 30 million dollars…and the city, county, and state can begin budgeting to make that plan a reality.

“That gives us that twenty year planning window to look for opportunities to start implementing pieces of this plan.” Notes ODOT’s Butch Hansen.

You’ll find details of the plan online at:

No timeline has yet been set for when work could get underway for any of the construction phases.

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