
Evan and Spencer Burton are the voice and the force behind the reggae band…Indubious.

Evan says the meaning behind it is “it means to live with confidence and without doubt ..we want to live indubiously ”

That theory sounds solid, but lofty. Especially when a doctor gave each of the brothers a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis as children and told them making it to age 18, would be a good life. Spencer says “It was a tough diagnosis, it’s a rough disease, but we wanted to overcome it.”

Evan is now 27 and Spencer 30…so that plan of overcoming the disease is going well, but with one big caveat…Evan needed a double lung transplant just 6 months ago.

” i was up on stage and it was difficult to breathe…after 5 or 10 minutes i was out of breath.”

But after the surgery changed everything.

” I feel so much better it’s amazing how fast i healed and i feel lungs are the best they’ve ever been”

Besides the scars… Evan shows no signs of the recent surgery. He and his brother are back to making music…

“we want to make a new album, a music video, go on international tour”

Their music pays the bills, but as important as the business side of indubious is…for “Evton B and Skip Wicked, it’s still about the chance to share lyrics, they live by. Spencer says “goodness kindness these are all things we strive for and when people come to our show they can feel that oneness…and they know what’s real”

As long as they have air in their lungs…the brothers say that musical connection will continue.

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