Klamath County Drug Busts Impact Kids, Pets, Livestock

There are 38 people behind bars in Klamath County tonight, as the result of one of the largest drug raids in Oregon history…but there were also some innocent victims from Wednesday’s operation.

While Wednesday’s raids targeted what police say is a major drug ring, Lieutenant Jeanette Davidson of the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office notes that the planning included concern for the children of the suspects…

“DHS had been placed on standby, with the understanding that we had intel that there were kids in several of the locations where search warrants were served.”

“We ended up getting involved in eight families.” Adds Jennifer Buckingham of the Oregon Department of Human Services. “Which included eleven children. Of those, only one was placed in non-relative foster care.”

While some arrested were parents, others had pets or livestock.

There were three horses at a home raided near Bonanza…this puppy was one of many dogs and cats that will need care.

“The animal control officer will be in touch with jail staff to see about arrangements for those animals.” Said Lieutenant Davidson. “But in the meantime, he is going to be monitoring the locations to make sure that they have adequate food and water.”

Klamath County Animal Control Officer Mike Horton said today that only one dog had to be taken to a shelter. The rest have found homes with friends, relatives, and neighbors.

Over 300 police officers took part in Wednesday’s raids, which has been dubbed ‘Operation Trojan Horse’.

The large number of arrests forced the Klamath County Sheriff to open a mothballed jail pod that had been closed due to budget cuts.

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