Klamath County Officials Take Oath of Office

There are several new faces in Klamath County government today…six people were sworn into office this morning.

The first thing on Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallam’s desk this morning was a note from his granddaughter, wishing him luck.

A strong opponent of dam removal, Mallams says opposition to the KBRA will remain one of his top priorities…

“The citizens of Klamath County haven’t been represented here. Every election has shown that the direction that the Klamath County commissioners have been going is not what the citizens want.”

There’s also a new sheriff in town.

Klamath County Sheriff Frank Skrah spoke about his priorities…

“We are not going to have online reporting. We are going to have a deputy there at your home when you need one. If we are short-handed, I will be out there.”

Others sworn in this morning include Klamath County Commissioner Jim Bellet, Klamath County Assessor Leonard Hill, Klamath County Treasurer Jason Link, and County Surveyor Mike Markus.

A crowd of around 80 was on hand for the swearing-in ceremony.

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