Klamath County Sheriff Out On Training

Klamath County Sheriff Frank Skrah will be busy undergoing officer training for the next 14 weeks…Skrah’s Chief Deputy will be running the store while the boss is away.

Chief Deputy Marty Rowley has been very busy recently…

“We had the officer-involved shooting with Klamath Falls P.D., we had another homicide, we’ve had several search and rescue missions – and it’s been extremely busy for the last three weeks.”

Because he retired 11 years ago, Sheriff Frank Skrah has to complete 16 weeks of training in order to be certified as a police officer in Oregon.

“We meet with him every weekend.” Notes Chief Deputy Rowley. “Whether it’s Saturday or Sunday for a couple of hours to go over what’s happened in the county, keep him up to date.”

And, how is the training going for Sheriff Skrah

“The academy itself is going fine.” Says Rowley. “He’s doing well, and it’s just a matter of, at some level, of perseverance.”

And while it’s been busy, Rowley says that’s business as usual…

“Things are going on as normal. We’re driving ahead, we’re staying focused on what our main missions are.”

Even if the Sheriff happens to be out of town…

“Well, Klamath County still has a Sheriff.” Rowley stresses. “He happens to be in Salem at the basic police academy.”

Skrah is scheduled to complete the training in mid-December.

If Skrah fails to pass the certification training, he’ll be removed from office.

If he graduates, Skrah will be the oldest person to complete Oregon Police Academy training.

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