Middle school students protest transgender bathroom mandate

Medford, Ore. —   A group of Hedrick Middle School students skipped class Monday to protest transgender bathrooms.

Two sisters, one in seventh and one in eighth grade, organized the rally outside the school. Friday the White House called on schools in every state to allow students to use the restroom of the gender they identify with, regardless of what may be on their birth certificate. The girls said the new mandate threatens their safety and makes them uncomfortable.

“Transgenders they have rights to and they’re people and I feel like they do deserve a bathroom and other kids think that too,” eighth grader Grace Milligan said. “We all kind of agreed that they deserve their own bathroom but we don’t really agree with them coming into the same bathrooms as us.”

The principal at Hedrick declined to comment. The Medford School District sent out a statement Friday that said the district is currently reviewing the guidelines recently issued by the Oregon Department of Education and engaging in conversations with their board and staff around the issue. Read the full statement below.

“The Medford School District is dedicated to offering all students protection from discrimination, bullying and harassment and ensuring that all students have equal access to educational programs and activities. We have board policy supporting non-discrimination, equal educational opportunity for all, and the elimination of hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying and menacing.

 The District is currently reviewing the guidelines recently issued by ODE and engaging in conversations with our board and staff around this issue. Administrators from every Medford School District school participated in an in-depth Title IX training on Wednesday with a Title IX expert from ODE.

 “Over the years, school leaders have worked with our transgender students with grace and dignity, caring for their needs with professionalism while protecting their rights to privacy and maintaining a safe educational environment for all. I believe we’ve been successful in this.” – Principal Linda White, McLoughlin Middle School

 The Medford School District takes requirements under Title IX very seriously and reviews those requirements on a regular basis. We look forward to continued guidance from the state on this issue”

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