New Details In Damiano Case

Othon Robert Campos Junior is in jail in Washington state, awaiting extradition to Jackson County.

The Medford man is accused of killing Frank Damiano, also known as Tony Della Penna.

Last week officials arrested Merlin Bound the third in the case and Campos over the weekend. Both are charged with the killing ofDamiano.

“Mr. Campos was indited with 6 counts and Bounds was 5 counts. Count 1 is aggravated murder and Mr. Campos is indited on that count,” said district attorney Beth Heckert.

That translates intoCampos is responsible for the death.

The details of what actual weapon or how Damiano was killed are not being disclosed by law enforcement but sheriff Winters said, “the manner of death was sharp force trama.”

Asmall amount of information in a perplexing case where details are still leaving us with a lot of questions, among them the claim from Bound that he was forced into the violent episode by his room mate Campos and the nature of the relationship between the victim and the alleged killers, all not yet answered by police.

Only the trial may tell.

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