One Million Moms for Gun Control

Today across the country thousands of people marched for stricter gun control laws.

One event took place locally.

Organizers say they aren’t asking for the government to take away second amendment rights but to think about saving lives.

Nearly 100 people took to the streets of Ashland Saturday.

Marching from the library to Lithia Park, showing support for the group ‘One Million Moms for Gun Control.’

“As moms and dads, as grandmothers and grandfathers, and people of all different types, we are standing up to say enough is enough this has got to change. We need sensible gun control now!”

The organization is just over a month old and was formed after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

“Myself and a lot of other people decided that it was time to take a stand. It’s time to have a voice in this, and we need to do something.”

While today’s march remained peaceful, one man opposed the group walking on the other side of the street with an assault riffle strapped around his back.

When we asked if he would speak with us, he declined, saying, “I think the signs speaks for itself.”

However, the man did speak with one of the marchers.

“Iwas holding the sign ‘TheNRA does not speak for us’ and he agreed theNRA does not speak for him either. He’s speaking for himself, and he felt it was important to own that weapon because he hunts small animals.”

According to the group’s website, the organization is trying to ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines of more than 10-rounds, and are actively pursing other gun control measures.

“As an organization, we are definitely for the second amendment and those second amendment rights. We are not against guns per say, we just want reasonable gun control legislation.”

Organizers of Saturday’s event say it was successful and hope that government leaders are watching.

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